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Login / Имя: m09051964, михаил
Страна / Город: Украина, Павлоград
Возраст: 60 лет (09 мая 1964г.)
Рост / Вес: не указано / не указано
e-mail / ICQ: email    / не указано
Люблю: не указано
О себе: не указано

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Compliments of the day to you.

I am Miss nenita fred I am single ,23yrs .However How are you? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like to know you much better,although i came online to look for a true and loving man that is ready for a true,honest and loving relationship and will be able to take good care of me if you are the kind of man am talking about then send me a mail now on my private email (nenita_4life0@yahoo.com) included,so that i will tell you all about myself and a picture of myself.looking forward to hear from you,thanks and God bless

miss nenita
posticon 23.02.2007 23:42



Compliments of the day to you.

I am Miss Nenita Adisa I am single ,23yrs .How ever How are you? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like to know you much better,although i came online to look for a true and loving man that is ready for a true,honest and loving relationship and will be able to take good care of me if you are the kind of man am talking about then send me a mail now on my private email (nenita_4life2@yahoo.co.uk) included,so that i will tell you all about myself and a picture of myself.looking forward to hear from you,thanks and God bless

miss nenita
posticon 23.02.2007 14:00

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